Trick "sit up" easily taught to small dogs, but must try not included in the big dog education, it is difficult to maintain balance.
Train sitting of the first to teach tricks, and forms the basis for many tricks other dogs. Train dog to sit up some treats as a reward, and set your dog in town haonchis, angle so that it cannot enter backwards or sideways and very little or no space imbalance.
The rest of the advance holding one hand under his chin and held Meanwhile deal above his nose and continue repeat clear deliberately says, "sit". Don't make him sit too long at a time, but repeat the lesson that often and reward him often plenty of praise and treats.
During the first lesson is that will require significant assistance from your hand to prevent him from paying forward, but gets control of muscle balance and understands what you want, and it will be less and less on your hand to keep it in position and gradually you can make him help so you have just to keep one's hand in position two or three inches from the neck and Chin, be prepared to prevent him from paying forward; then you can drag this entirely and just treatment just above his head.
Ongoing practice that will sit after you set up a mechanism; then it should set against the wall, to provide support to his country again, after having been further their studies in this, and can keep its position easily, exercise him against the legs of a Chair or cushions or other objects carrying him less and less assistance, until finally learns to maintain its balance and sit without anything lean against.
During all these lessons the phrase "sit down" on his mind was affected by frequent repetition, and now comes the final lesson to teach him to sit just to hear the words, and opportunities, if it had been hard digging, will only be necessary to call him in the room, and found a cure, holding up a suitable word, say "sit" will do it, when he should deal in position.
Need only to perfect exercise him several times a day until he would sit on the floor and without being displayed reward; that could give him after he had obeyed.
You now have a basis for many other tricks. Can he taught for begging by moving your hand up and down in front only for his paws, which he will move in harmony with you. Can he also salute to fetch one paw up along with his head, or a wooden pipe in his mouth or wear a hat on his head or other articles of clothing.
In teaching the dog to be dressed up, don't try to get him to wear too many things at once; trial in the first times, having become accustomed to that you can put on a coat and gradually accustom him to other articles of clothing.
Enjoy teaching your dog trick "sit up" and most importantly fun along the way!